Tuesday 28 July 2009


Beloved, we are doing well and planning the Church Relocation. So far, we haven't found a new venue yet and am requesting for your prayers. Our options are that we can lease out a ground and put up a Tent. We can also move to another hall in the meantime. However, we have a long term goal to buy our own piece of land and put up a church building. We shall be 10 years in the City Center coming January 9th, 2010. We feel we have accomplished much from the City Center and are almost ready to move out to a Suburb area. We need to buy One acre of land somewhere as soon as possible. God has the money and we are praying that he banks it in our account. Kindly ask him to do it this week. Blessings and keep in touch. Apostle David


My new book "Heart Relationships the Unlock Destiny" is coming out in one and half weeks time. The book covers very insightful revelation concerning the relationship between fathers and their sons in the ministry. This book will give shape to your life and ministry. It has good recommendations from other church leaders and I believe that the message in the book will impact many lives for the Kingdom of God. Please pray that all goes well. Amen.

Wednesday 8 July 2009


Beloved we are living in a time in Kenya where the sword of persecution and pain has hit the church. On two fronts, we are seeing the struggle. From within the church, God is cleansing and purifying his body by judging sin constantly. Shape up to come up higher in God. On the other, the wind is contrary to the church, systematically treating her with cruelty, but Jesus will come into the boat and provide leadership.

The way forward for the church is to manifest the Radical Remnant dimension of the grace of God. Let the anointing rise and manifest the protection that God gives to his people. It shall be well in Jesus name. Prayer meeting should be getting full in every church in the land. See that preaching the gospel out there on the streets is quiet difficult now in the city. God help us. Meanwhile the anti-Christ spirit is rising in power and wealth, but our God will save us. Keep praying...